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OraStrip(tm) QuickCheck Canine is an in-office diagnostic test designed to detect early stages of periodontal disease so intervention can be undertaken before there is serious damage.

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This is a product that became available in Canada in January of 2013. Applied in hospital in the anesthetize patient immediately after a COHAT, it is considered a "Veterinary Dental Sealant" that is reputed to reduced plaque and calculus accumulation at and below the gum line.

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New research suggests there is no clinical benefit in using locally applied doxycycline or clindamycin in the treatment of moderate periodontal disease in dogs.

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There are many products on the market that claim to aid in the prevention or even treatment of dental disease. Most are worse than useless. This product, which has the VOHC seal of acceptance for plaque control is of value

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Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis is a frustrating and painful condition that requires aggressive management. Unfortunately, potions, lotions, rinses and pills will fail to give relief. Aggressive mechanical plaque-control on a daily basis or whole-mouth extraction was required to give these animals a mouth free from pain and infection.

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The Veterinary Oral Health Council confers their seal of acceptance to products that have shown valid research to back their claims of being helpful in controlling plaque and/or tartar. Learn more about the VOHC from this paper or by visiting

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Reasonable expectations for dental home care

There are several good strategies and products to aid in daily home plaque control to help keep a healthy mouth healthy. However, NONE of these products/strategies will treat established disease and none are 100% effective all on their own. It is important to have reasonable expectations for what these products/strategies can achieve.

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Home Care Concepts and Products

Dental Home Care can be a very important part of maintaining good oral health. As with everything, the benefits are only realized if it is done properly. This collection of articles will help you get off on the right foot.

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Periodontal Disease in Diabetic Patients

Periodontal disease can be difficult to manage at the best of times. Diabetic patients pose extra challenges.

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A discussion on the periodontal consequences of having a tooth partially un-erupted or under-erupted.

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Accepting New Referrals

Hale Veterinary Clinic is accepting new referrals! If you are a veterinarian looking to refer a patient, please fill out our referral form. If you are a client whose pet has already been referred to us, learn more about what to expect at your pet's appointment.

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