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Oral Exams & Prevention

At our veterinary dental clinic in Guelph, oral exams are performed so that we can provide an insight into your pet's oral health allowing us to provide relevant dental advice and recommendations.

Please Note: Our dental services require a referral from a primary care veterinarian.

Client Information

Protect Your Pet's Oral Health

Did you know that preventive dental health care is just as important for your cat or dog as it is for you? A large number of dogs and cats will develop serious oral health issues by the time they are three years old, so it's never too soon to take a closer look at your companion's teeth.

Oral health issues in dogs and cats may start small, with plaque buildup that causes bad breath, but can quickly turn into more serious, and painful, medical conditions such as gingivitis (inflamed gums) and periodontitis (loss of the bone holding the teeth in place).

Don't wait until your cat or dog experiences dental issues. Take action now by asking your primary care veterinarian for a referral to Hale Veterinary Clinic for an in-depth exam. We can provide guidance on the best practices for maintaining your pet's oral health and provide treatment for various oral health problems.

Dental Care, Guelph Vet

Teeth Cleaning & Examinations

Detecting oral health issues early can help prevent your cat or dog from experiencing pain or discomfort. Your pet's dental care may require more than one appointment, and they will typically involve the following:

FAQs About Pet Dental Care

To learn more about dental care for cats and dogs, read through our answers to these frequently asked questions from our clients.

Accepting New Referrals

Hale Veterinary Clinic is accepting new referrals! If you are a veterinarian looking to refer a patient, please fill out our referral form. If you are a client whose pet has already been referred to us, learn more about what to expect at your pet's appointment.

Refer A Patient    Client Information