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General Dental Care for Dogs & Cats

Taking care of your pet's dental health is just as important as their overall health. At Hale Veterinary Clinic, we provide a variety of dental services, on a referral basis, to restore and maintain your pet's oral health.

Please Note: Our dental services require a referral from a primary care veterinarian.

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Caring for Your Pets Oral Health

Many dogs and cats will suffer from dental disease in their lifetime. It is one of the most common health issues among our pet population. If a dog or cat's oral health is not adequately monitored, painful dental issues and periodontal disease can develop.

Even if you diligently monitor your companion's oral health, they may still need veterinary care if their teeth grow in crooked, become crowded, or get chipped or broken.

At Hale Veterinary Clinic, our team of veterinarians wants to make sure your pet receives the highest-quality dental care. We offer a range of general dental care services, but referral, for dogs and cats.

General Dental Care, Guelph Vet

Dental Procedures Offered at Hale Veterinary Clinic

Our Guelph veterinarians may perform the following procedures:

Anesthesia for Veterinary Dental Care

It's no surprise that dental procedures can be uncomfortable and we can't explain to your pet that we are just trying to help them. To help keep all of our patients and staff safe, and to ensure that we can carry out medically appropriate care, all of our patients will be anesthetised for their procedure with us at Hale Veterinary Clinic

Not only does this allow your dog or cat to remain relaxed while we work inside their mouth, it gives our veterinary team the best opportunity to thoroughly evaluate and treat your companion's oral health issues.

Accepting New Referrals

Hale Veterinary Clinic is accepting new referrals! If you are a veterinarian looking to refer a patient, please fill out our referral form. If you are a client whose pet has already been referred to us, learn more about what to expect at your pet's appointment.

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