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Educational Material

Dental Waterline Disinfection

The water lines in dental equipment can be a cesspool of bacteria. This unsolicited article describes a very simple system for keeping dental water lines clean.

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Normal Feline Dental Radiographs

This is simply a set of normal intra-oral dental radiographs of a 4 kg, 1.5 year old cat.

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Normal Canine Dental Radiographs

This is simply a set of normal intra-oral dental radiographs of a 30 kg, 4 year old cattle dog cross.

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Separating Roots

Imaging all three roots of the maxillary fourth premolar can be a challenge as the mesiobuccal root is often superimposed over the palatal root. This short document demonstrates away to see around this problem using parallax shift.

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Radiographic Interpretation: Case 1

Getting diagnostic intra-oral radiographs is certainly important but is only half the battle. Accurate interpretation of the images is equally important. This case illustrates this point.

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The Chevron Sign

A common radiographic finding in larger dogs which is easily confused with signs of endodontic disease yet is just a variation on normal.

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Analog vs Direct Digital vs Indirect Digital

While the need for intra-oral dental radiography cannot be disputed, which technology to embrace is a hotly contested topic. Here are my thoughts and observations.

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Why should you do whole-mouth radiographs?

If you are equipped and trained to obtain and interpret intra-oral dental radiographs, that is super. But are you doing whole-mouth studies on all of your dental patients? If not, it is time you started.

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Radiograph Labelling

Whether using analog film, digital or computed radiography each image MUST be clearly labeled with clinic name, patient identification, date and time, anatomic region.

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Feline Knees and Teeth Syndrome

This is not my work. It is a short poster-presentation on an odd condition in which persistence of primary premolars in cats has been linked to spontaneous patella rupture and possibly other skeletal issues later in life. More work to be done on this

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Accepting New Referrals

Hale Veterinary Clinic is accepting new referrals! If you are a veterinarian looking to refer a patient, please fill out our referral form. If you are a client whose pet has already been referred to us, learn more about what to expect at your pet's appointment.

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